By: Haidy Marzouk, MD, MBA, FAAOA In honor of kids ENT month, the AAOA would like to highlight a topic very important to our pediatric allergy population. Anaphylaxis occurs in about 1.6%-5.1% of the US population.(1) Although known as a…
Value of AAOA Membership 2024
Join Drs. Puchalski, Baker and Wilson as they discuss the value of AAOA Membership.
AAOA Members take advantage of the following benefits:
Discounts & Benefits
As a member, you will be eligible for up to 60% CME program registration for physicians and AP|AH staff who are also members. Free Annual Meeting (in 2024) as a part of AAOA Member benefit. Additionally, the AAOA’s CME programs meet ABOTOHNS Continuing Certification.
Affinity Program – NEW In 2024
AAOA US ENT (a group purchasing organization) Affinity program, where AAOA members can gain savings on antigen, allergy supplies, and any of the other 5 service lines US ENT offers. For more information, please visit
Tools And Resources
- Tools and Resources to comply with US General Chapter 797
- Practice Management Tools