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Celebrating Over 80 Years Of Service!

The American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy (AAOA) represents over 2,700 Board-certified otolaryngologists and health care providers. Otolaryngology, frequently referred to as Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT), uniquely combines medical and surgical expertise to care for patients with a variety of conditions affecting the ears, nose, and throat, as well as commonly related conditions. AAOA members devote part of their practice to the diagnosis and treatment of allergic disease. The AAOA actively supports its membership through education, research, and advocacy in the care of allergic patients.

"Advance the comprehensive management of allergy and inflammatory disease in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery through training, education, and advocacy."

AAOA Member Benefits

  • Up to 60% discount for CME programs and free Annual Meeting. All AAOA’s CME programs meet ABOTOHNS Continuing Certification.
  • AAOA US ENT Affinity program, where AAOA members can gain savings on antigen, allergy supplies, and any of the other 5 service lines US ENT offers. For more email
  • Tools and resources to comply with US General Chapter 797 and practice management tools.
  • Advocacy support.
  • And much more! Learn More


As part of our on-going member support, we are introducing a new website feature to help with common practice management challenges. We welcome your input with questions or challenges you would like to address. Read More


Medicare Advantage FAQ

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently sent a memo to Medicare Advantage (MA)…

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AMA National Survey to Document Physician Practice Expense Is Still Open

Please take the time to complete the Physician Practice Information Survey! If you or your…

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USP General Chapter <797> Compliant?  AAOA Has the Resources You Need

Impacting allergy immunotherapy vial preparation, USP General Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding — Sterile Preparations went…

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Upcoming Dates

04/01/24: Fellow Exam Application Deadline
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06/01/24: Research Grant Cycle
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08/02/24: Scientific Abstract Submission Deadline
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12/01/24: Research Grant Cycle
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AAOA Basic Course

Join us from July 25-27 at the hybrid 2024 AAOA Basic Course. As a hybrid course, we are excited to offer both live in-person and virtual participation. The course content will be accessible for over 90 days to help you maximize value. Register Today 


For information about Resident membership, opportunities, DosedDaily, research grants, and other resources. Learn More


Available Now


IFAR Impact Factor: 2.454

IFAR Featured Content: COVID-19 - Free Access
Endonasal instrumentation and aerosolization risk in the era of COVID‐19: simulation, literature review, and proposed mitigation strategies . Read More

Changes in Managing Practices

Working together with AAOA staff, volunteer leadership and members will enable us to have a positive impact on our members’ practices.

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Live and Online CME

2024 AAOA Basic Course in Allergy & Immunology - Hybrid
July 25-27, 2024
The Diplomat, Hollywood, Florida
Learn More and Register

2024 AAOA Annual Meeting - Hybrid
November 8-10, 2024
Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas
Learn More and Register 

2025 AAOA Advanced Course in Allergy & Immunology - Hybrid
March 27-29, 2025
The Hythe, Vail, CO
Book Your Room

USP 797 Online Module
Learn More and Register

AAOA Educational Stacks
Next Release October 1, 2024

News and Updates

EGPA for the ENT: Sinus Manifestations As a Key to Diagnosis. Rare Eosinophilic Disease Part 2 – Diagnostic Challenges & the Role of the ENT

Are you missing rare eosinophilic disease diagnoses? Join an expert multidisciplinary panel for a podcast…

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EGPA for the ENT: Sinus Manifestations As a Key to Diagnosis. Rare Eosinophilic Disease Part 1– A Multidisciplinary Approach

Are you missing rare eosinophilic disease diagnoses? Join an expert multidisciplinary panel for a podcast…

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College Allergy Symptoms Treatment Back to Shcool


AAOA Practice Resource Tool Kit

The American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy (AAOA) Practice Resource Tool Kit is intended as a guide to help AAOA members integrate allergy into their otolaryngology practice and to continually improve on this integration as new information, regulations, and resources become available.

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AAOA has launched a Partner Resource Center to bring you partner resources that can assist your practice and patient care.

Visit the New Center>


AAOA Leadership

The Excitement of the Recent AAOA Annual Meeting is Still Upon Us…

by Alpen Patel, MD, FAAOA

The excitement of the recent AAOA Annual Meeting is still upon us. It was a time for friends and colleagues to reunite at a world–class destination and an opportunity to learn the latest information about hot topics like biologics, SLIT, food allergy, and even practice management in our ever-evolving health care system. For those of you who could not join me and 500 of your colleagues in New Orleans this past September, please come meet us in Scottsdale in October 2020 for another free Annual Meeting—this promises to be another extraordinary educational experience for those who attend. In a few short months, we will also be having our Advanced Course at the Live Music Capital of the World, Austin, Texas, where we will start using problem-based learning techniques in some of our sessions. I hope to see you there!

For the last several months, I have been trying to determine the unmet needs of our members. Thanks to those who completed our survey and participated in focus groups with me. Much interest was expressed to add more content to our AAOA website and make the website more user-friendly so we can readily access this information. Our remarkable leadership team and staff remain committed to our strong advocacy
efforts in regulatory and socioeconomic matters. As some of you may already know, implementation of the new USP 797 sterile compounding standards has been postponed due to an appeals process. We will continue to monitor this and will alert you once a new implementation date is announced.

The AAOA is an organization committed to your professional growth and provides you with the knowledge and tools to make a meaningful impact for the patients you serve. This year holds incredible promise as we expand value for your membership and strengthen our engagement with our members. As we begin another year together, I am fortunate to be surrounded by a great group of physician volunteers and staff. Our goal is quite simple: to make our organization better than it already is.

Shortly after our upcoming Advanced Course, we will convene and develop our organization’s strategic plan for the next few years to come. This will give us an opportunity to evaluate our efforts and determine our gaps in our initiatives. We have invested heavily in our live educational programming, which I believe is the best in the business. We will need to prioritize our resources so that we continue to deliver maximum member value in a fiscally sound manner.

All of us want to keep abreast of the most recent medical literature in determining the best course of treatment for our patients. As a result, we are reviewing and updating our online Clinical Care Statements. This compendium shares evidence-based summaries on recommended therapies and practices from the current medical literature. We are excited to soon launch our new Practice Resource Tool Kit, which will be a valuable online resource for you. Now you will have access to useful information, like the SLIT calculator, coding tips, sample office forms, and how to add allergy to your practice.

Many of you have expressed interest in earning online CME. Although no substitute for our top-notch live courses, the AAOA’s Clinical Insights modules offer interactive eLearning designed to expand understanding of current practice trends and clinical research in allergy diagnosis and management. We are augmenting this educational series by creating more
modules for your continuing education.

Lastly, I am happy to report that we are reaching out to the ACCME so that we can start the process of registering our live CME courses to meet the Lifelong Learning and Self Assessment (Part II) requirement of the American Board of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery.

I am grateful and honored to be leading an energetic and enthusiastic group as we work together to better our organization by providing more resources and value for your membership. I have no doubt that we will continue to offer exceptional educational experiences at our courses. I am confident that we will have a successful and productive year, and I look forward to serving you.

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