Long before Vail Mountain became global renown, or even a name, its vision burned bright in the head and heart of two dreamers, fellow skiers, and World War II vets, Earl Eaton and Pete Seibert. Earl and Pete’s histories shaped them…
Should I Go to Austin?
We get it. You’ve been to the Advanced Course on Allergy & Immunology, so you are wondering, “Should I go to Austin?”
The Advanced Course is not the same course from 10 years ago. In fact, it is not even the same course as last year.
Our Education Committee has been working to evolve the Advanced Course. Not only will you gain a more advanced perspective on the role of allergy in otolaryngology, you will learn in innovative and unique classroom settings. Changing the learning environment will offer more opportunities to not only learn from the esteemed faculty, but to also learn from your AAOA colleagues and peers.
The core content has been dissected into smaller, more practical, more translatable chunks. How do the guidelines relate to every day practice? Multi vs Pauci? Is there a right answer? We know the immunology behind allergic rhinitis. We know the epigenetics. Come learn how this translates into optimizing antigen selection for better patient outcomes. Engage in panel debates on different testing options and clinical pearls in using sublingual immunotherapy as a patient option.
Expanding on the core content, the Advanced Course features a focused ENT topic as it relates to the allergic patient each year. This year, we are featuring Al Merati, MD, AAOHNS president and laryngologist. He will help us understand airway disorders in the larynx and trachea, how to make sense of globus and chronic cough, and help us consider whether we are in a post-PPI era.
What you need to about asthma, wheezing, and current asthma medications continues to be a big drawer for members who attend. These topics combined with a review of what is happening in the world of biologics for ENT, CRS and related issues in corticosteroids, therapeutic options, debates on role of surgery, biologics, and medical management, and discussions around how to manage the difficult to control CRS patient will round out the program.
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