Scientific Abstracts Submissions Now Open
2025 AAOA Annual Meeting

Have novel research tied to allergy, inflammatory disease in ENT, comprehensive management of allergy and inflammatory disease, or another aspect impacting ENT patient care? AAOA is currently soliciting research abstracts for consideration for the 2025 Hybrid Annual Meeting, with the live component taking place November 14-16, 2025 at The Seabird Resort in Oceanside, CA.
Accepted abstracts will cover the latest research tied to the comprehensive management of allergy and inflammatory disease in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery related topics. These abstracts will be available as Scientific Research video presentations and hosted on the Whova platform, AAOA’s official meeting platform, for access by in-person and virtual attendees alike. The Scientific Research videos will be made available before and during the live component of the meeting.
All accepted 2025 Scientific Research Presentations will also be featured in a live Research Forum session at the Annual Meeting in Oceanside, CA. The PI/Presenter will be given a unique opportunity to showcase their research and results in a unique forum. Additionally, PI/Presenters will have access to the full AAOA 2025 Annual Meeting and will be able to claim CME/MOC credits. Below is an overview of the submission process. All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and must be novel research.
Click here to submit a scientific abstract for the 2025 AAOA Annual Meeting.
- 8/8 – Scientific abstract submission deadline (11:59 PM EST).
- 9/8 – AAOA staff will notify the principal abstract authors of the outcome of their submission and share further instructions if selected.
If selected:
- 10/6 – Video presentations are due along with the optional handouts for COI and content review.
- 11/14 – 11/16 – 2025 AAOA Annual Meeting held live in Oceanside, CA and virtually.
- 12/31 – Resulting manuscripts must be submitted to the International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology (IFAR), official journal of the AAOA.
Scientific Abstract Submission Format:
The scientific abstract submission form is broken down into the following sections:
- Abstract title information
- Author(s) and presenters’ information
- Abstract content – Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Author(s) Disclosures
- Abstracts are limited to 3,000 characters
The author will receive an email confirmation of a successful submission.
- Submission of an abstract for consideration infers your ability to present in-person at the 2025 AAOA Annual Meeting in Oceanside, CA.
- Submissions must be novel research that has not been previously presented or published.
Selection of an abstract by the program committee will result in an invitation to the PI to attend in-person and participate in the 2025 Annual Meeting.
- If the PI is unavailable to participate in the Annual Meeting, a corresponding author may be chosen to fill in. Please note, only 1 corresponding presenter may participate.
- If the abstract is chosen, the PI/Presenter will need to register for the 2025 AAOA Annual Meeting, which is free for AAOA members.
- The pre-recorded video presentations will be showcased in our live Research Forum session at the Annual Meeting in Oceanside, CA. An accompanying handout is encouraged to be submitted in addition to the video presentation as supporting content to share with the attendees but is not required.
- PIs whose abstract is selected for scientific presentation must submit an accompanying manuscript to the official journal of the AAOA, International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology (IFAR), which will have the right of first refusal for the submitted manuscript. The manuscript submission deadline for the 2025 AAOA Annual Meeting is 11:59pm ET on December 31, 2025.
- All off-label or non-FDA approved uses must be disclosed. Failure to comply with the abstract submission requirements may result in automatic withdrawal of the abstract for consideration by the program committee and possible suspension from future meeting presentations.
- Presentations submitted or presented by or on behalf of an employee of an ACCME-defined ineligible company will not be considered if there is a conflict of interest between the content presented and the author(s) or presenter.
- Any funding associated with the research must be disclosed, along with the conflict of interest disclosures for the PI and co-authors.
- Accepted abstracts presented outside of the AAOA must disclose that the data has been presented to AAOA and submitted to IFAR.
For any questions regarding the abstract submission/format, requirements, and more, please email us at [email protected].
Q: Are late breaking abstracts accepted?
A: We do not offer late breaking abstracts and only hold one call for abstracts, which has a deadline of August 8, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET.
Q: If my abstract is selected, and I am only able to record and submit the video recording but cannot attend the Research Forum panel live, what should I do?
A: Please let AAOA staff know as soon as possible that you cannot attend live. You will need to designate a corresponding author who is able to attend live or withdraw your presentation.
Q: Can I have a corresponding author record the abstract video?
A: Yes, that is fine, as long as they submit disclosures and you alert the AAOA staff..
Q: Who retains the copyright of the submitted and accepted abstract?
A: The AAOA retains the content presented for our meeting archives and re-use as we deem fit.
Q: Can my accepted abstract be presented again afterwards at other conferences?
A: Yes, the abstracts could be presented again as long as acknowledgment of the abstract being presented at our meeting and submitted as a manuscript to IFAR is given.
Q: Are encore abstracts (previously published/presented) accepted by the AAOA?
A: The AAOA does not accept encore abstract submissions and requires original presentations be submitted.
Q: There is only room for 5 authors on the submission form. If I have more than 5, how can I include them?
A: You can include the authors in the Content section. Please be sure to include their disclosures in the Author(s) disclosure section.
Q: Are tables and/or figures allowed on the submission form?
A: The submission form does not allow tables or images. This can be included in your video presentation, however.
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