By: Haidy Marzouk, MD, MBA, FAAOA In honor of kids ENT month, the AAOA would like to highlight a topic very important to our pediatric allergy population. Anaphylaxis occurs in about 1.6%-5.1% of the US population.(1) Although known as a…
Revised CPT Code for 2020
The following revisions and additions to Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ® American Medical Association) codes related to special otorhinolaryngologic services are effective January 1, 2020.
92548 | Computerized dynamic posturography sensory organization test (CDP-SOT), 6 conditions (ie eyes open, eyes closed, visual sway, platform sway, eyes closed platform sway, platform and visual sway, including interpretations and report; |
92549 | with motor control test (MCT) and adaptation test (ADT) |
(Do not report 92548, 92549 in conjunction with 92270)
Code 92548 has been revised to describe computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) with greater specificity, and code 92549 has been added to describe CDP with motor control testing (MCT) and adaptation testing (ADT).
Prior to 2020, code 92548 described CDP with no additional description of the work performed in this service. The AMA/RVS RUC RAW identified code 92548 as having negative intraservice work per unit of time (IWPUT). A survey of medical specialties that perform CDP indicated that there is variations among providers in the use of equipment for this procedure. TO more accurately describe the work performed in CDP, code 92548 has been revised ti describe CDP sensory organization test for six conditions with interpretation and report. Code 92459 has been added for CDP-SOT performed with a motor control test and an adaptation test.
For more information, visit AMA’s website.