Join Haidy Marzouk, MD, FAAOA, and Nalin Patel, MD, FAAOA as they delve into the most frequently asked questions in pediatric ENT. This insightful discussion covers a range of topics that concern both parents and medical professionals, providing expert advice…
Re-Engaging Patients During and Post COVID-19 Pandemic – AAOA Zoomcast
A brief summary of the Re-Engaging Patients 2021 – AAOA Zoomcast Series: Just In Time Content for AAOA Members, Part II. Written by Jodi Zuckerman MD, FAAOA.
Panelists: Steven Houser, MD; Haidy Marzouk, MD; Paul Neubauer, MD; Nalin Patel, MD; Robert Stachler, MD.
Moderator: Ayesha Khalid, MD.
- Let Patients and Referring doctors know you are open and in what context
- Get the word out that you are seeing patients, performing procedures, offering telehealth
- Have a strong online presence, communication on your website •Policies for COVID precautions
- Let Patients know you are following COVID protocols and the office is a safe place to come for evaluation
- From central scheduling to phone, scripts provided to ensure patients of cleaning, masks, spreading out patients and volume
- Keeping the office safe and these protocols visible to patients
- Universal masking, PPE for providers
- Screening over the phone or with text applications of symptoms prior to appointments
- Extensive cleaning in the rooms
- Allowing turn over of air in procedure rooms in between patients
- Air purification strategies
- Staggered appointments
- Fewer patients in the office, waiting room at any time
- Change the flow of traffic
- Reassurance for the staff and patients that protocols are being followed and the office is a safe place
- Embracing Telemedicine
- Pure telemedicine (These visits can save the need or an office appointment and can be done without physical exam at the flexibility of the patient)
- Post op checks
- Med Refill
- Allergy Follow Up
- Preoperative Consent, Allergy treatment consents
- Offers opportunity for larger geographic pool of patients that may live a far distance from your office
- Using tools to try and adjust for the physical absence
- Pictures, video otoscope, video endoscope
- Hybrid Approach
- Use telemedicine to obtain historical information and all other necessary information
- Have patient come in for a limited time strictly for the procedure or diagnostic study
- Have handouts that will guide patients how to be prepared for their telehealth visit
- Pure telemedicine (These visits can save the need or an office appointment and can be done without physical exam at the flexibility of the patient)
View the Re-Engaging Patients During and Post COVID-19 Pandemic Zoomcast.