By: Haidy Marzouk, MD, MBA, FAAOA In honor of kids ENT month, the AAOA would like to highlight a topic very important to our pediatric allergy population. Anaphylaxis occurs in about 1.6%-5.1% of the US population.(1) Although known as a…
President’s 2020 Update
Alpen Patel, MD, FAAOA on changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and AAOA member resources and virtual events.
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact AAOA at (202) 955-5010 or email to [email protected].
COVID-19 Resources
- Resuming SCIT during COVID-19 Pandemic:
- Telemedicine Tool Kit: providers/
- Telehealth Coding:
- Regulatory/Congressional Updates:
- AAOA Zoomcast Series – Just in Time Content
Key AAOA leaders discuss hot topics from telemedicine and how to re-open allergy to issues to consider as you re-open your practice from PPE and patient and staff safety to how to re-engage patients and re-build cash flow.
- Surgical Priorities
- Managing Allergy Patients During the COVID Era – Rebooting Practices After the Pandemic
- Allergy Practice Reboot During the COVID Era
- Telemedicine During the COVID Era and Beyond
- Jump Starting Your Practice When COVID-19 Restrictions Are Lifted
- COVID-19 and Anosmia
- Physician Wellness / Physician Burnout
- Re-Onboarding Staff – Restarting Your ENT Practice
AAOA Practice Resource Tool Kit
You can download and print the entire AAOA Practice Resource Tool Kit and Sample Office Forms or each tool individually.
By viewing or downloading the AAOA Practice Resource Tool Kit you understand and agree that the materials presented in this tool kit are intended as resource only and should not be construed as guidance.
USP General Chapter <797> Compliance Resources
- USP General Chapter <797> Compliance Tools:
AAOA has developed a compliance module and negotiated a reduced AAOA member rate for the gloved thumb/fingerprint and sterile compounding test kits, more information can be found here:
Core Allergy & Rhinology Concepts: Age of Pandemics and Beyond is on demand! Access it here.
Register for the 2020 Virtual AAOA Annual Meeting. It’s free for all AAOA members.