MACRA Reporting Timeline

MACRA Reporting Timeline
January 2017
- Beginning of the first MACRA performance year. Providers must either participate in the Merit Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) or an Advanced Alternative Payment Model (APM). Payment adjustments and bonuses assessed in 2019 will be based on this performance year.
- As of January 1, providers can begin collecting performance data.
March 31, June 30 & August 31 2017
- “Snapshot” dates when CMS will evaluate Part B claims to determine if entities qualify as an advanced APM for the year.
September 1 – November 1 2017
- Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) self-nomination period for the 2018 performance period. The QCDR must have at least 25 participants by January 1 of the performance year to qualify
October 2, 2017
- Providers who wish to report more than the single piece of quality data to avoid the penalty must begin collecting data if they wish to qualify for a bonus in 2019.
January 2018
- Providers will begin collecting performance data for 2018. Payment adjustments and bonuses in 2021 will be based on this performance year.
- The reporting requirements will be determined during a rulemaking cycle in 2017 and may differ from the 2017 reporting requirements.
March 31, 2018
- Participating providers must submit all data for the 2017 performance period, regardless of when they began collecting data. Under the “Pick Your Pace” option providers can report in one of the following ways:
- Minimum Data Submission: Submit at least one piece of quality data and avoid a negative payment adjustment.
- Partial Year Data Submission: Submit 90 days worth of 2017 data and potentially earn a small bonus or be held harmless.
- Full Year Data Submission: Submit a full year of 2017 data and potentially earn a bonus or be held harmless.
- Submit No Data: Receive a 4 percent negative payment adjustment in 2019.
July 18, 2018
- CMS will provide performance feedback on the Quality and Resource Use categories based on 2017 quality data.
December 31, 2018
- Meaningful Use (MU), Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS), and Value-based Modifier (VM) payment adjustment sunset for Medicare providers.
- Bonuses and negative payment adjustments based on 2017 reporting are assessed for those in MIPS.
- Penalties will be -4% and bonuses will range from 4-12%
- Entities who qualified as advanced APMs will receive a 5 percent bonus.
- Bonuses and negative payment adjustments based on 2018 reporting are assessed for those in MIPS.
- Penalties will be -5% and bonuses will range from 5-15%
- Entities who qualified as advanced APMs will receive a 5 percent bonus.
- Bonuses and negative payment adjustments based on 2018 reporting are assessed for those in MIPS.
- Penalties will be -7% and bonuses will range from 7-21%
- Entities who qualified as advanced APMs will receive a 5 percent bonus.
- Bonuses and negative payment adjustments based on 2018 reporting are assessed for those in MIPS.
- Penalties will be -9% and bonuses will range from 9-27%
- Entities who qualified as advanced APMs will receive a 5 percent bonus.
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