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Clinical Care Statements

AAOA Clinical Care Statements 2020
Clinical Care Statements – Updated and Expanded 2020
In response to member requests, your AAOA Board of Directors adopted its original Clinical Care Statements in 2015. To help assure these statements reflect the current practice of medicine, your Board of Directors adopted this expanded and updated compendium in 2020. These statements will continue to be distributed through the AAOA Today, our membership newsletter, and posted on our website for easy reference for our members. Our intention is to assist otolaryngologists by sharing evidence-based summaries on recommended therapies and practices from the current medical literature. They do not attempt to define a quality of care for legal malpractice proceedings. They should not be taken as recommending for or against a particular company’s products.
The Clinical Care Statements are not meant for patients to use in treating themselves or making decisions about their care. Advances constantly occur in medicine, and some advances will doubtless occur faster than these Clinical Care Statements can be updated. Otolaryngologists will want to keep abreast of the most recent medical literature in deciding the best course for treating their patients.
This compendium of work was only achievable through the tireless efforts of our Clinical Care Statement Workgroup:
Dole Baker, MD
Douglas Dawson, MD
Charles Ebert, MD
Paul Fass, MD
Melissa Hertler, MD
Steve Houser, MD
Ayesha Khalid, MD, MBA
Adrienne Laury, MD
Stella Lee, MD
Andrea Lewis, MD
Sandra Lin, MD
Alpen Patel, MD
Matthew Patterson, MD
Glen Porter, MD
Robert Puchalski, MD
Kenneth Rodriguez, MD
Keith Sale, MD
Kristin Seiberling, MD
Farrah Siddiqui, MD
Robert Stachler, MD
Wesley VanderArk, MD
Christopher Vickery, MD
Kevin Wilson, MD
Mark Zacharek, MD
You can download and print the 2020 Clinical Care Statements Compendium as a whole or each statement individually.
Risk Factors for Testing or Immunotherapy
Medicines to Avoid Before Allergy Skin Testing
Skin Testing Techniques for Immediate and Delayed Hypersensitivity Reaction
In Vitro Testing / Allergen-Specific IgE
Immunotherapy Vial Preparation–Practical Considerations
Subcutaneous Immunotherapy (SCIT) for Aeroallergen Immunotherapy
Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)
Vial Testing
Anaphylaxis Crash Cart Supplies
Allergen Extract Compounding of In-Office Immunotherapy Vials/USP General Chapter <797> Compliance
Optimal Dosing
Duration of Immunotherapy
Home Subcutaneous Immunotherapy
State Regulations on Staffing, Training Requirements, and AP/AH Scope of Service
Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants in the Practice of Allergy in the Otolaryngology Office
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