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AAOA Leadership in the News

AAOA’s leadership is constantly being called upon to provide input and answer questions about otolaryngology and the treatment of allergic patients.
Here are some recent examples:
Michelle Liu, MD, Boosting Your ENT Practice with Allergy Services podcast can be found here.
Aeysha Khalid, MD, MBA, Balloon Sinuplasty: Evolution, Efficacy & Expert Insights podcast can be found here.
Led by Bryan Leatherman, MD, AAOA’s EBIT Workgroup, conducts a study, published in June IFAR, on Dosing of Sublingual Immunotherapy for Allergic Rhinitis: Evidence-Based Review with Recommendations. The article can be found here.
Sandra Lin, MD, on Asthma and Allergy Management for the Chicago Tribune. Click here to read the articles.
Sandra Lin, MD, on the new allergy treatment guidelines for CBS News. Click here to watch the segment.
Aeysha Khalid, MD, MBA, gives a TED talk on the existing healthcare system and a way to redesign it. Click here to watch the talk.
Sandra Lin, MD, answered questions about treatments that may help with nasal allergies in the recent article at Click here to read the article.
Steven Houser, MD, was featured on a local news broadcast commenting on the new allergy tablets and the role they will play in treating allergic patients. Click here to watch the video.
Sandra Lin, MD, answered questions about the benefits of sublingual immunotherapy in a Johns Hopkins Medicine YouTube clip. Click here to watch the video.
William Reisacher, MD, spoke with NY1 about how a brutal 2014 winter could impact the spring allergy season. Click here to watch the video (the video is only available to Time Warner subscribers but Dr. Reisacher’s comments are available below the video spot).
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