ExplanAItions Site is an interactive site designed to explore AI's application in research. It provides comprehensive studies and analyses, revealing how AI is adopted by researchers globally. The site details 43 AI applications throughout the research process, presenting notable trends…
President Message
Are lectures the best way to educate physicians? What does it take for us to change how we practice? What practical information does the AAOA private practitioner need the most? How do we make the AAOA annual meeting the center of AAOA calendar? These are some of the questions the AAOA Board of Directors and Education Committee have asked, and the answers have led to the redesign of the annual meeting.
The AAOA Annual Meeting in Chicago this year is unlike any before. There is a strong focus on practice management. We have invested substantially in active rather than passive learning strategies. Peer to peer learning will occur in the Art Institute of Chicago and along Walking Tours through downtown Chicago.
There is an excitement and nervous apprehension that accompanies change in the air. The slate of Practice Management experts will probably not be brought back together again.
Please join your fellow AAOA members in Chicago as we collectively pursue building efficient and productive practices that deliver high quality care to the patients that need us. Modern medicine is complex, today’s practice environment is challenging, but we can learn from each other. We only need to come together, let’s meet in Chicago.
Whit Mims, MDAAOA President