This year the AAOA has introduced quarterly journal clubs for our membership. Here is session 1. Feel free to contact with feedback and suggestions!
From the AAOA President, Matthew Ryan, MD
…the AAOA continues to be the organization that Otolaryngologists look to for
up-to-date education and information on the practice of Allergy.
I attended my first AAOA Course 20 years ago and have witnessed significant changes in how we diagnose and treat allergic disease. Older diagnostic and treatment techniques have been left behind, and new tools are becoming available as the science of allergy practice advances. What hasn’t changed however, is that the AAOA continues to be the organization that Otolaryngologists look to for up-to-date education and information on the practice of Allergy. We continue to raise awareness of the importance of Allergy in Otolaryngology practice, and we continue to support residency programs in their efforts to educate residents in the full spectrum of ENT practice. The AAOA meetings and courses are still the fun gathering places where we meet up and learn from each other, sharing our challenges and our successes.
This year, as AAOA president, I hope to continue the traditions of fun camaraderie that have kept us coming back for more, year–after–year. Please take note of the meeting dates advertised on the website and in the AAOA Today newsletter. We hope to see you at our upcoming meetings!
Read more about Matthew Ryan, MD, FAAOA here.