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Celebrating Over 80 Years Of Service!

The American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy (AAOA) represents over 2,700 Board-certified otolaryngologists and health care providers. Otolaryngology, frequently referred to as Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT), uniquely combines medical and surgical expertise to care for patients with a variety of conditions affecting the ears, nose, and throat, as well as commonly related conditions. AAOA members devote part of their practice to the diagnosis and treatment of allergic disease. The AAOA actively supports its membership through education, research, and advocacy in the care of allergic patients.

"Advance the comprehensive management of allergy and inflammatory disease in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery through training, education, and advocacy."

AAOA Member Benefits

  • Up to 60% discount for CME programs and free Annual Meeting. All AAOA’s CME programs meet ABOTOHNS Continuing Certification.
  • AAOA US ENT Affinity program, where AAOA members can gain savings on antigen, allergy supplies, and any of the other 5 service lines US ENT offers. For more email
  • Tools and resources to comply with US General Chapter 797 and practice management tools.
  • Advocacy support.
  • And much more! Learn More


As part of our on-going member support, we are introducing a new website feature to help with common practice management challenges. We welcome your input with questions or challenges you would like to address. Read More


CARES Act and Public Health Emergency Funds Allocation

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced how it plans to allocate the…

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CARES Act Provider Relief Fund Additional Information

AMA Updates on CARES Act Today the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provided…

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Interim Package and Resuming Non-COVID Care

Sharing the latest on the interim package and the news from CMS about resuming non-COVID…

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Upcoming Dates

04/01/24: Fellow Exam Application Deadline
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06/01/24: Research Grant Cycle
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08/02/24: Scientific Abstract Submission Deadline
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12/01/24: Research Grant Cycle
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AAOA Basic Course

Join us from July 25-27 at the hybrid 2024 AAOA Basic Course. As a hybrid course, we are excited to offer both live in-person and virtual participation. The course content will be accessible for over 90 days to help you maximize value. Register Today 


For information about Resident membership, opportunities, DosedDaily, research grants, and other resources. Learn More


Available Now


IFAR Impact Factor: 2.454

IFAR Featured Content: COVID-19 - Free Access
Endonasal instrumentation and aerosolization risk in the era of COVID‐19: simulation, literature review, and proposed mitigation strategies . Read More

Changes in Managing Practices

Working together with AAOA staff, volunteer leadership and members will enable us to have a positive impact on our members’ practices.

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Live and Online CME

2024 AAOA Basic Course in Allergy & Immunology - Hybrid
July 25-27, 2024
The Diplomat, Hollywood, Florida
Learn More and Register

2024 AAOA Annual Meeting - Hybrid
November 8-10, 2024
Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas
Learn More and Register 

2025 AAOA Advanced Course in Allergy & Immunology - Hybrid
March 27-29, 2025
The Hythe, Vail, CO
Book Your Room

USP 797 Online Module
Learn More and Register

AAOA Educational Stacks
Next Release October 1, 2024

News and Updates

Keith Sale, MD, AAOA President-Elect, Testifies Before the Senate Subcommittee Hearing

Keith Sale, MD, AAOA President-Elect, recently testified before the Senate Subcommittee hearing, Avoiding a Cautionary Tale: Policy…

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Call For Proposals

We want to hear from you! We are pleased to invite you to participate in…

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College Allergy Symptoms Treatment Back to Shcool


AAOA Practice Resource Tool Kit

The American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy (AAOA) Practice Resource Tool Kit is intended as a guide to help AAOA members integrate allergy into their otolaryngology practice and to continually improve on this integration as new information, regulations, and resources become available.

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AAOA has launched a Partner Resource Center to bring you partner resources that can assist your practice and patient care.

Visit the New Center>


CY 2022 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule Summary

On July 13, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the Medicare Physician Fee  Schedule (MPFS) proposed rule for CY 2022. This rule updates payment policies and payment rates for  Part B services furnished under the MPFS, as well as makes changes to the Quality Payment Program  (QPP). The rule in its entirety and the addenda, including Addendum B, which lists the proposed RVUs  for each CPT code can be found here.  

The following summarizes the major policies in the proposal. Note that the page numbers listed in this  document refer to the display copy of the proposed rule. 

Conversion Factor and Specialty Impact (p. 1177) 

The proposed conversion factor for 2022 is $33.5848, a decrease of $1.31 from the 2021 conversion  factor of $34.8931, a decrease of 3.75 percent. This reduction is the result of the expiration of the 3.75  percent increase Congress included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 as well as the fact  there is no statutory increase to the conversion factor for 2022. Table 123 provides a summary of the  impact of the changes, excluding the conversion factor decrease, in the proposed rule by specialty. The  changes in the rule are budget-neutral in the aggregate, which explains why the impact for all physicians  is shown as zero.  

Based on an analysis conducted by the American Medical Association, the proposed changes in the rule,  including the conversion factor decrease, would result in -3.5 percent and -4.9 percent decreases for  allergy/immunology and otolaryngology respectively. Note that the changes to practice expense covered in this summary result in significant decreases for some procedures commonly performed by AAOA  members. The overall impact of this proposed rule on an individual provider’s reimbursement will  depend upon their case mix. 

Practice Expense Clinical Labor Pricing Update (p. 48) 

CMS began updating supply and equipment prices used for direct practice expense (PE) inputs in 2019  and 2022 will be the final year of the transition to these new inputs based on work StrategyGen’s  market research study. When this work started, the agency did not propose to update the clinical labor  pricing which has remained unchanged since CY 2002. Stakeholders have suggested certain wage rates  are inadequate because they do not reflect current wage information and updating supply and  equipment pricing without updating clinical labor could create distortions in direct PE allocation in a  budget neutral system. 

In this rule, CMS is proposing to update the clinical labor pricing using the most current Bureau of Labor  Statistics (BLS) data in CY 2022 in conjunction with the final year of the supply and equipment pricing  update. Table 5 includes the proposed clinical labor pricing updates. The agency is requesting comments  on this proposal and is particularly interested in additional wage data for clinical labor types for which  there was no direct Bureau of Labor Statistics wage data. Table 6 shows the impact of this proposed  change by specialty. CMS estimated the specialty-specific impacts of this change as well as those if the  policy were to be phased in over four years (which can be found in Table 135) with allergy/immunology seeing a -1 percent decrease and otolaryngology seeing a -2 percent decrease in reimbursement as a  result if implemented all at once and no impact if it is phased in over four years. 

These specialty impacts are largely driven by the share that labor costs represent of the direct PE inputs  for each specialty such that specialties with substantially higher or lower than average share of direct  costs attributable labor will experience the most significant changes. CMS is considering a 4-year  transition to implement the clinical labor pricing update to smooth out the increases and decreases but recognizes this would mean the agency will continue to rely on outdated data for clinical labor pricing. 

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