This year the AAOA has introduced quarterly journal clubs for our membership. Here is session 1. Feel free to contact with feedback and suggestions!
A Message From The AAOA President, Keith Sale, MD, FAAOA
As the President of the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy (AAOA), I am excited to share with you our ongoing efforts and initiatives aimed at enhancing your membership experience. Our focus remains steadfast on three key areas: membership engagement, educational innovation, and practice management support.

We are committed to fostering a strong sense of community within our association. To this end, we have introduced several initiatives designed to increase member engagement and provide valuable opportunities for networking and collaboration. Your active participation is crucial to the success of our association, and we are dedicated to creating an environment where every member feels valued and supported.
In the realm of educational innovation, we have made significant strides in developing cutting-edge resources and training programs. Our goal is to ensure that you have access to the latest knowledge and best practices in the field of otolaryngic allergy. We are proud to offer a variety of educational opportunities including industry-leading virtual participation in our courses, robust online modules, and allergy-specific training stacks, all designed to help you stay at the forefront of our specialty. In addition, we expanded access to Otolaryngology residency programs to assist in their development as members of our specialty community.
Practice management support is another cornerstone of our mission. We understand the challenges you face in managing your practices, and we are here to provide the tools and resources you need to succeed. Our practice management initiatives are tailored to address the unique needs of otolaryngic allergy professionals, offering guidance on everything from billing and coding to patient care and office management.
As part of our commitment to providing exceptional value to our members, we will continue to offer free attendance to our annual meeting. This event is a premier opportunity for professional development, networking, and learning from industry leaders. Additionally, we are working with vendors and, through our member Affinity program, working with USENT [a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)] to offer discounted supplies, helping you reduce costs and improve your practice’s efficiency.
These initiatives and benefits are designed to support you in your professional journey and ensure that you have the resources you need to thrive. Thank you for your continued dedication to the AAOA and for being an integral part of our community.