This year the AAOA has introduced quarterly journal clubs for our membership. Here is session 1. Feel free to contact with feedback and suggestions!
A Message from the AAOA President, Alpen Patel MD, FAAOA
Dear AAOA Members,
We are definitely dealing with unprecedented circumstances on so many levels. As healthcare providers and AAOA members, we hope you are all safe and staying healthy.
We have been trying to review all of the updates and share key information with you, as well as sharing what some of us are doing to manage our practices through this difficult period. We will continue to offer updates and post resources on the website. We know you are inundated with information, so we are trying to balance email blasts with adding resources to the website for easy access.
Health Policy Update Tied to COVID-19
In addition, we are monitoring our options for all of our live CME programming. Currently, we are planning on holding the Basic Course in July. We are also working on options to consider different ways to help assure you and your staff have access to one of our preeminent programs.
We recognize this is new for all of us. Let us know how we can help and what additional resources would be valuable.
We wish each of you the best during these uncertain times,
Alpen Patel, MD, FAAOA
AAOA President